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Pagan Hare

Blogger, Vegan, Witch/Pagan, Co-Owner of Besom Magic

My name is Pagan Hare and I'm the Witchy Vegan.

I became a vegetarian when I was 16 years old, which is now over 30 years ago. Initially it was due to what was being put into animals bodies and ultimately ending up in our own. at the time there really wasn't much information about animal welfare and definitely no Internet.

A few years later, whilst traveling back from Germany, I was reading a magazine and for the first time saw the cruelty of the meat industry and so my reasons for being vegetarian changed.

As the years past I became comfortable as a vegetarian...Too comfortable to be honest. I'd stopped looking at what was happening and being vegetarian was a part of me as much as breathing!

Some years after becoming a vegetarian I found my path as a Pagan and Witch and for me both these and being vegetarian went hand-in-hand. Then one day I decided I needed to bite the bullet and remind myself why I was vegetarian.

It wasn't easy. Watching YouTube videos of terrible cruelty never is easy. But I made myself watch. Then I asked myself a question...

"Why do Vegans not eat honey?"

That was the start of my enlightenment and becoming Vegan!


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